Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

March is ovarian cancer awareness month. Around 7,400 women are diagnosed with cancer of the ovary each year in the UK.

Ovarian cancer is when abnormal cells in the ovary begin to grow and divide in an uncontrolled way. They eventually form a growth (tumour). If not caught early, cancer cells gradually grow into the surrounding tissues. And may spread to other areas of the body. Ovarian cancer can affect women, some transgender men and non-binary people assigned female at birth.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer

  • feeling full quickly
  • loss of appetite
  • pain in your tummy (abdomen) or lower part of your abdomen that doesn’t go away.
  • bloating or an increase in the size of your abdomen
  • needing to wee more often.

You may also experience these other symptoms:

  • tiredness that is unexplained
  • weight loss that is unexplained
  • changes in your bowel habit or symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, especially if this starts after the age of 50.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your GP.

Risks and causes.

  • growing older
  • inherited faulty genes
  • previous cancer
  • using hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • smoking
  • asbestos
  • medical conditions such as endometriosis
  • overweight or obesity

Treatment for ovarian cancer depends on where your cancer is, how big it is, whether it has spread anywhere else in your body and your general health.

Getting support

Everyone has their own way of dealing with illness and the different emotions they experience. You may find it helpful to talk things over with family and friends or your doctor or nurse.

There are also support organisations that you may find helpful:

  • Eve Appeal Eve Appeal offers information and support for anyone affected by gynaecological cancers. Also provides information about cervical screening and for trans, non-binary and intersex people. Call their helpline on 0808 802 0019.
  • Ovacome – Ovacome offers information and support for anyone affected by ovarian cancer.
  • Target Ovarian Cancer – Target Ovarian Cancer offers information and support to anyone affected by ovarian cancer. Call their helpline on 020 7923 5475.

Macmillan can offer emotional, practical and financial help and support. If you would like to talk, you can:

  • Call the Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 00 00.
  • Chat to our specialists online.
  • Visit our ovarian cancer forum to talk with people who have been affected by ovarian cancer, share your experience, and ask an expert your questions.

Ovarian cancer | Cancer Research UK

Ovarian cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

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